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This curriculum is designed to work in conjunction with the sermons and devotions written specifically to accompany it. The field of apologetics is vast; so vast that one could earn multiple Ph.D.'s in apologetics with relatively minimal overlap of content. Training Christians fully in apologetics requires expertise that most small groups do not have time to attain. Thus, this series' primary training source is Dr. Jesse Campbell's sermons and devotions while this curriculum aims largely to awaken sleeping Christians and give basic tools to give a reasoned defense of God's existence in personal evangelistic relationships.


While this field of study is vast, the responsibility of defending God's existence falls upon the members of your group regularly. One need not be a formally educated apologist to be used of God to persuade the lost not only of God's existence, but of God's gospel unto salvation. The thrust of each session is a biblical explanation as to why Christians should endeavor to practice apologetics, moving piece-by-piece through II Corinthians 4:16-5:21.


Follow this series with "Behold the Harvest" from Jesse Campbell Ministries to train your group or family in how to evangelize!


Download and distribute an unlimited number of Leader Guides and Member Guides for use during the study for your group. Order printed copies via Amazon and, while we would love for other churches to hear how this study blesses your group, please invite them to purchase as well.

Reason for Hope: 6 Apologetics Sessions for Groups

SKU: 012
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©2017 by Jesse Campbell


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