Here are all 102 Devotions for this series FREE!
Here are all 17 Unflinching Expository Sermons for this series FREE!
(Also linked in each session)
By its original intent, the Gospel of John is the ideal training ground for Christians praying to break the status quo in evangelism and for most modern American skeptics curious to better understand Jesus. These 17 week Bible Study Books for Group Members take your group verse-by-verse through the Gospel of John when combined with the sermon and devotion videos available at The 17 corresponding Leader Guides give contextual insight to the text and suggested answers to the incisive application questions along with helpful coaching tips including "ice breaker ideas" that foreshadow the session's conclusion.
Having walked through this Gospel with dozens of former militant atheists-turned-rabid-evangelists, Dr. Jesse Campbell (D.Min. in Expository Preaching, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) takes groups through the Gospel of John together with this profound resource. Each session begins with context on the original historical-cultural background and literary context, provides the "big idea" of each passage, lists challenging and discussion-stimulating application questions, finalizes each session with a big "takeaway," and concludes with a brief truth parents can share with their children based on the session.
Dr. Campbell wrote expository Bible studies full-time for LifeWay Christian Resources in the past and today is a church-planter near Seattle, Washington. His book publications include "I'm a Christian - Now What?," "What it Means to Be A Christian," "365 Devotions for Teen Guys" from B&H Publishers and more. He lives in Issaquah, Washington with his bride Jessi and their little ones.
Contact the Jesse Campbell Ministries team at and hear Dr. Campbell on the radio through Wilkins Radio Networks.
The Gospel of John: How God Lights our Darkness (17 Verse-by-Verse Sessions)
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